How to advance your 'Just Cause'
We all have visions for our future in which we are willing to sacrifice in order to help advance us towards that vision further. It truly defines where we are going. This is the term for our “Just Cause”
Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
- LinkedIn, Vision Statement
A “Just Cause” is different from our “Why” as this comes from our past which entails our beliefs and values.
With a slice taken from The Infinite Game, Simon Sinek’s “Just Cause” is:
Working to advance that gives our work and lives meaning. Build a world which vast majority of people wake up inspired, feel safe at work and return home fulfilled at the end of the day.
Simon Sinek places a framework which helps us identify ways to help make better decisions and serve those around us with the choices we make, whether for business or personal.
I was taught to use SMART to achieve objectives that are in retrospect, finite games (focusing on a specific goal). But to progress an infinite game, there are five criteria’s to advance your Just Cause.
1. For Something
Positive and encouraging for our future.
What do you stand for? This is a way to get people to rally for you effectively.
2. Inclusive
Open to those who are willing to contribute
Inspire all those around you who will then use their diverse skillsets to contribute to the cause with the sense of feeling valued.
3. Service Orientated
Main benefit of others
With a business, you must benefit your customers. A leader benefits their people. What benefit does your cause entail?
4. Resilient
Adaptable in any external changes (political, cultural and technological)
If focused upon a specific product or a one directional goal, it won’t last long.
5. Idealistic
Big, bold and unachievable
The focus of the vision but not mistaken as a goal. It’s not about revenue or being number one but rather something which is unattainable. A Just Cause is something noble we are willing to devote our lives and careers in progressing further. In the process, we inspire development and leave a lasting legacy from those before us.
My Just Cause
With time to reflect and think through what my Just Cause is, I had in essence found mine which i’ll serve those around me.
Form a world where happiness and abundance in individuals life would bring a deed of inspiration and hope.
Comment below on what your Just Cause is.
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